土敦木华 正德厚生



来源:永利官方网站 发表时间:2023-10-19 访问次数:






n 教育及工作经历

u 2006.09-2010.06  华南理工大学   学士

u 2010.09-2015.06  华南理工大学   博士

u 2017.04-2019.09 深圳大学      博士后研究员

u 2018.04-2019.04  德国伍珀塔尔大学 访问学者

n 研究方向


n 研究项目(主持项目)

1)国家级,12064050, 基于共轭小分子铵盐的高性能二维杂化钙钛矿材料的研制, 2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 37万元, 在研, 主持

2)省部级,坚果壳基碳纤维气凝胶及其器件的研制,2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 80万元, 在研, 主持

3)校级,云南省作物生产与智慧农业重点实验室开放基金项目, 2021-8, 作物生产智能装备稳定功能组件关键技术的开发, 2021-06-01 至 2023-06-31, 5万元, 已结题, 主持

4)国家级,  2018M633134, 动态组合化学制备具有靶标特异性的光致变色探针研究, 2018-05-01 至 2019-08-31, 5万元, 已结题, 主持

n 代表性论文(第一或共同第一作者)

[1]Bin Xie  Junjie He * , Lei zhao, Yuchen Sun, Senlin Li and Jing Li *, Biomass Activated Carbon: The Electrode Material to Promote the Large-Scale Production of Supercapacitors. Science of Advanced Materials, 2023, 15, 1

[2]Borui Li, Yanfang Chu, Bin Xie, Yuchen Sun, Lin Zhang, Hongmei Zhao, Lei Zhao, Peng-Fei Liu and Junjie He*, Improving the intrinsic conductivity of d-MnO2 by indium doping for high-performance neutral aqueous sodium-ion supercapacitors with commercial-level mass-loading,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11, 2133

[3]Bin Xie  Junjie He * , Yuchen Sun,  Senlin Li and Jing Li, Hybrid Anionic Electrolytes for the High Performance of Aqueous Zinc-Ion Hybrid Supercapacitors. Energies 2023, 16(1), 248

[4]Hongmei Zhao, Lei Zhao, Song Li, Yanfang Chu, Yucheng Sun, Bin Xie Junjie He* and Jing Li*. Recent Advances on the Strategies to Stabilize the α-Phase of Formamidinium Based Perovskite Materials. Crystals, 2022, 12, 573

[5]Lin Zhang, Lin Yao, Yanfang Chu, Lei Zhao, Hongmei Zhao, Yuchen Sun, Jing Li*, and Junjie He*. Hydrogen Bonds in Precursor Solution: The Origin of the Anomalous J–V Curves in Perovskite Solar Cells. Crystals, 2022, 12, 610

[6]He, Junjie*; Chu, Yanfang; Sun, Yuchen; Zhang, Rui; Li, Jing*; Zhao, Lei; Zhao, Hongmei; Liu, Pengfei; Li, Song*; Beyond the Limit of Goldschmidt Tolerance Factor: Crystal Surface Engineering to Boost the alpha-Phase Stability of Formamidinium-Only Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Perovskites, Solar RRL , 2021, 5(8): 0-2100188

[7]He, Junjie; Zheng, Kai; Zhang, Youming; Song, Jun; Qu, Junle; He, Junjie; Yang, Shixing; Song, J; Qu, JL ; One-pot synthesis of dispersible thermally stable organic downconversion materials under DBU catalyzation for high performance hybrid-LED lamps, Green Chemistry, 2018, 20(15): 3557-3565

[8]Junjie He, Fan Zhang, Yuren Xiang, Junle Qu and Jun Song, Preparation of low dimensional antimonene oxides and their application in Cu:NiO x based planar p-i-n perovskite solar cells. J. Power Sources, 2019, 435: 226819

[9]K. O. Brinkmann, Junjie He*, Thomas Riedl, Beyond the Limit of Goldschmidt Tolerance Factor: Crystal Surface Engineering to Boost the α-Phase Stability of Formamidinium-Only Hybrid Inorganic–Organic Perovskites. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 43: 40172

[10]Junjie He, Fan Zhang, Yuren Xiang, Junle Qu and Jun Song, Preparation of low dimensional antimonene oxides and their application in Cu:NiO x based planar p-i-n perovskite solar cells. J. Power Sources, 2019, 435: 226819

[11]Junjie He; Yuren Xiang; Fan Zhang; Jiarong Lian; Rui Hu; Pengju Zeng; Jun Song; Junle Qu; Improvement of red light harvesting ability and open circuit voltage of Cu:NiOx based p-i-n planar perovskite solar cells boosted by cysteine enhanced interface contact, Nano Energy, 2018, 45: 471-479

[12]Zhang Fan#, He Junjie#, Xiang Yuren, Zheng Kai, Xue Bin, Ye Shuai, Peng Xiao, Hao Yuying, Lian Jiarong, Zeng Pengju, Qu Junle and Song Jun*, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(38): 1803244

[13]Wang Xin#, He Junjie#, Zhou Benqing, Zhang Youming, Wu Jiatao, Hu Rui, Liu Liwei, Song Jun* and Qu Junle*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, 57(28): 8668-8673

n 专利及标准

(1)何俊杰; 李崧; 张亮; 李靖; 高稳定性甲脒钙钛矿材料及其制备方法、用途, 授权日期: 2020-9-3, 中国发明专利, Zl 202010917993.4

(2)何俊杰 ; 一种磷酸酯改性腰果油固化剂的制备方法, 2017-11-3, 中国发明专利, ZL 201711067193 .2

(3)何俊杰; 曾波; 马航; 万邦隆; 王艳 ; 一种合成磷酸烷基酯的方法, 2016-08-17, 中国发明专利, ZL201610300943.5